PLC BLOG | Introduction to Omron PLC Data Type

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Introduction to Omron PLC Data Type

In Omron PLC programming, a data type is a classification or category of data that determines the type of values that can be stored, the operations that can be performed on the values, and the way the values are represented in plc memory area. data types are used to define the type of data that can be stored in memory and manipulated by the PLC program. For example integer data type used to represent whole numbers, bool data type used to represent true or false. Each data type have fixed or reserved range in memory so without knowledge of data type not easy to become a professional programmer. It’s important to choose the right data type for each variable or object in your program to ensure that it can store the appropriate values and perform the required operations.So In This Article We Study Of Various Data Type Used In Omron Plc Programming.

Omron Bool Data Type

Bool data type is used to represent logical values, such as true or false, ON or off, open or close etc. It can be used to control the state of a relay, switch, contacts or coils. Below shows some simple example of bool data type in first rung when gate switch operated than contacts set to ON and respective output is ON. So in simple term BOOL data type have only two state either ON or OFF.

Omron Bool Data Type

Omron Integer data Type (INT)

Integer data type is a 16-bit signed integer used to represent address of signed numbers, range of this data type is -32768 to +32767. Numerical value stored within range. It can be used to control the speed of a motor or the position of a conveyor belt, etc. Shows simple example of Omron integer data type.

Omron Integer data Type (INT)

Omron Double Integer data Type (DINT)

Double Integer data Type used to represent address of a 32-bit signed integer, The DINT data type can represent a wide range of values, from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. It is often used in applications where large integers are required. Shows simple example of Omron Double Integer data Type (DINT).

Omron Double Integer data Type (DINT)

Omron Long Integer Data Type (LINT)

LINT is long integer data type, used to a 64-bit signed integer(number).The LINT data type can represent a wider range of values than smaller integer data types, from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.shows simple example of Omron Long Integer data Type (LINT).

Omron Long Integer data Type (LINT)

Different between Signed and Unsigned Integer

signed and unsigned data types are used to represent numerical values A signed data type can represent both positive and negative values but unsigned represent only positive value.

Omron Unsigned Integer Data Type (UINT)

Omron unsigned Integer data Type (UINT) is used to represent positive number (non-negative integers) like 1, 2 etc. the range of uint is 0 to 65535

Omron unsigned Integer data Type (UINT)

Omron Unsigned Double Integer Data Type (UDINT)

Omron unsigned Double Integer data Type (UDINT) used to store non negative value from 0 to 4294967295

Omron unsigned Double Integer data Type (UDINT)

Omron unsigned Long Integer data Type (ULINT)

Omron unsigned Long Integer data Type (ULINT) used to store non negative value from 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615

Omron unsigned Long Integer data Type (ULINT)

Omron UINT_BCD data Type

Omron unsigned BCD data Type (UINT_BCD) which is used to represent single BCD word. it represent BCD value from 0 to 9999.

Omron UINT_BCD data Type

Omron UDINT_BCD data Type

Omron unsigned Double BCD data Type (UDINT) used to represent Double BCD word. it represent BCD value from 0 to 99999999.

Omron UDINT_BCD data Type

Omron ULINT_BCD data Type

Omron unsigned Long BCD data Type (ULINT_BCD) used to represent quad BCD word. it represent BCD value from 0 to 9999999999999999.

Omron ULINT_BCD data Type

Omron REAL data Type (REAL)

REAL data type is used to represent address of floating-point numbers with single precision. It is also Known as "float" values. for example 12.34, 12.36 etc. where integer data type only represent number without decimal but real data type used to store number with decimal.range of real data type is depends on mantissa and exponent of the floating-point number. The precision of the real data type is typically around 7 digits. Real numbers are numbers that can have fractional or decimal parts, and they can be positive, negative, or zero. Real data type used in temperature measurement, current, vibration, level sensor etc. Shows simple example of Omron Real data Type (REAL).

Omron REAL data Type (REAL)

Omron Long REAL data Type (LREAL)

LREAL is data type used to represent Address of a long word floating point is double precision data is used for higher accuracy because Double precision numbers have more bits of precision than single precision numbers, so they can represent much larger or smaller values with higher accuracy. Shows simple example of Omron LREAL data Type (LREAL).

Omron Long LREAL data Type (LREAL)

Omron Timer data Type (TIMER)

Omron Timer data Type (TIMER) represent timer number, timer done bit(timer completion flag), timer present value, timer accumulator value. Range For Timer T0000 To T4095. show a simple example of Omron timer data type. for more information visit link in this example timer number is T0000 and same bit used for contacts which act as timer completion flag.

Omron Timer data Type (TIMER)

Omron COUNTER data Type (Counter)

Omron COUNTER data Type (Counter) represent counter number, Counter done bit(timer completion flag), Counter present value, counter accumulator value. Range For Timer C0000 To T4095.The Counter Number Must Be Between 0000 And 4095 (Decimal). For Example C0000, C0001 Etc. for more information visit link below is simple example of Omron counter data type.

Omron COUNTER data Type (Counter)

Omron String data Type (String)

Omron String data Type (String) represent as character strings. The size can be set between 1 and 255 characters. String data type used for sequence of characters, such as letters, numbers, symbols, or whitespace. Strings are typically used to messages, alarm, id. Shows a simple example of Omron String data Type (String) where in this example i am using string combination block. Both string are joined and stored in new tag which is string_out.

Omron String data Type (String)

Omron WORD data Type (WORD)

WORD data Type (WORD) used to represent Address of a bit string of 16 bits.

Omron Double WORD data Type (DWORD)

DWORD data Type (DWORD) used to represent Address of a bit string of 32 bits.

Omron Long WORD data Type (LWORD)

Long WORD data Type (LWORD) used to represent Address of a bit string of 64 bits.